
Tommy Stays has been a guest at over 120+ properties and travelled to over 75+ countries working with hosts to excite & heighten their branded guest experience all around the world.

Our focus is to capture and document the essence of guests having the ultimate experience beyond an โ€˜accommodation-onlyโ€™ approach as well as working with hosts to elevate the guest experience through a well considered branded approach.

View our stay services here.

  • Photography is often the first point of contact for potential guests when browsing through accommodation options. High-quality, well-composed images showcase the property in its best light, immediately capturing the attention of viewers. A visually appealing and professional presentation creates a positive first impression, piquing interest and motivating guests to explore further.

  • Professional photography and branding instill trust and credibility in potential guests. By presenting the property in an aesthetically pleasing and accurate way, hosts can demonstrate their commitment to providing a quality experience. Authentic and well-crafted branding further reinforces the property's identity, values, and professionalism, helping guests feel confident in their decision to book.

  • Photography and branding serve as tools for conveying the guest experience before they even arrive. High-quality images can capture the atmosphere, ambiance, and unique selling points of the property, allowing potential guests to imagine themselves there and envision the type of experience they will have. Consistent branding across various touch points) further reinforces the desired impression and helps align guest expectations with the actual experience.

  • Effective branding creates a memorable identity for the property. By developing a unique visual style, incorporating consistent design elements, and reflecting the property's personality, hosts can cultivate a distinct brand that resonates with guests. A memorable identity helps guests remember and recognise the accommodation, fostering loyalty and repeat bookings.

  • In a saturated market, effective branding and photography can set an accommodation apart from its competitors. By highlighting unique features, amenities, or design elements through visual storytelling, hosts can showcase what makes their property special. A distinct brand identity, supported by consistent visual elements, can make the accommodation memorable and differentiate it from others, attracting guests who resonate with its specific appeal.